California Regulations Require Recycling & Composting!
Commercial Customers and Multi-Family Residences with 5 or more units must sort Recyclables and Organic material out of the garbage.
PLEASE NOTE NEW 2020 REQUIREMENTS FOR AB 1826 for Multi-Family complexes that have contracted landscaping services:
Commencing in 2020, per Assembly Bill (AB) 1594 (Williams, Chapter 719, Statutes of 2014), if the landscaper takes the green waste/yard trimmings to a landfill for use as ADC or any other facility that would then take the material to a landfill, the multifamily dwelling will not be recycling the green waste/yard trimmings as required (not compliant with AB 1826).
AB 1826 also requires covered businesses that contract for green waste services to stipulate in the landscaping contract that the landscaper will recycle the green waste/yard trimmings it collects from the business/multifamily complex. The contract is required to stipulate that the green waste/yard trimmings will be recycled, so the landscaper would be breaching the contract if it takes the green waste/yard trimmings to instead be used as ADC in the year 2020 onward. If the landscaper is taking the material to a transfer station which then takes the green waste/yard trimmings to a landfill for ADC, the landscaper would need to take the material to a different facility that recycles the green waste/yard trimmings in the year 2020 onward.
FYI: Milpitas Sanitation’s Yard Trimmings collection program takes it’s material to a facility that composts the clean green material.
Click here for a landscaper AB 1826 compliance form
- Contact us for help starting or improving your recyclables, yard trimmings and/or food scraps collection program. Milpitas Sanitation’s Recycling Coordinator will visit to survey your waste and recycling needs, answer any questions, and provide outreach materials that clearly show what should go in each collection container. If you have more than just bottles, cans, paper products, yard trimmings & food scraps to recycle, please let us know.
- Visit: for more information about the Mandatory Commercial Recycling Ordinances.