Household Hazardous & E-Waste Program
Hazardous waste does not belong in any milpitas sanitation cart or bin.

Household Hazardous Waste
Household hazardous waste items like pesticides, fertilizers, pool & photo chemicals, paint/varnish, toxic cleaning products, smoke detectors, mercury-containing items (thermometers, CFLs/fluorescent lights, etc.), wood treated with a chemical preservative, unwanted medications, and sharps (needles,lancets, etc.) should never be thrown in the trash or recycling bin, flushed down the toilet, or dumped down the drain or storm sewer.
Household hazardous waste needs to be taken to a hazardous waste collection facility.
- Santa Clara County Hazardous Waste ProgramSanta Clara County Hazardous Waste Program provides Saturday drop-off centers for medicines, cleaning chemicals, and batteries, etc.
There is no charge for Milpitas residents to use this service. To participate, make an appointment online or over the phone. - Curbside Collection ServicesMilpitas sanitation offers curbside collection of used cooking oil, motor oil and filters, and household batteries for single family residents.
Proper Disposal of Household Hazardous
General guidelines
Safe Disposal of Medications & Sharps
As part of Santa Clara County’s Product Stewardship Plan, drop-off sites have been strategically placed across the County to ensure that residents have convenient access to safely dispose of unwanted household medications and sharps.
Please properly dispose of unused or expired prescription medications, over-the-counter medications and sharps at any of these approved drop-off locations.
Proper Disposal of Sharps
Sharps must be in an approved sharps container. Container must be rigid, puncture-resistant, unbreakable, and leak-resistant, with a tightly sealed lid and labeled as Sharps Waste or showing the International Biohazard label.
California State Law prohibits a person from placing home-generated sharps in the trash or recycling containers. Do NOT throw them away.
Note: Most sharps drop-off locations are for 1-1.5 quart size sharps containers only. Call in advance before arrival. If you have a large sharps container, call the HHW program at (408) 299-7300 to schedule a free appointment for disposal at a HHW drop-off event.
Milpitas Sharps Drop Off Sites
• Kaiser Permanente – 770 E. Calaveras Boulevard | (408) 945-2770 *(Members Only)
• Valley Health Center – 143 N. Main Street | (408) 957-0919 *(Patients Only)
Milpitas Medication Drop Off Sites
Valley Health Center (VHC) at Milpitas Pharmacy Located in the main lobby near the restrooms 143 N. Main St., Milpitas, CA 95035 (Cross street- Weller Lane) (408) 957-0919Operating hours: Monday – Friday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Residents can safely dispose of medications, as well as controlled substances, with no questions asked, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at the drop box located at:
• Sheriff’s Office Headquarters, 55 West Younger Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110
The Santa Clara County Hazardous Waste Program offers free drop-off appointments for you to dispose of unwanted medication or sharps. To participate, make an appointment online or over the phone.
Visit: HHW.org or call (408) 299-7300.
Used Motor Oil Recycling
Take advantage of Certified Collection Centers (CCC) to recycle used oil and oil filters. Over 80 retail locations participate in the CCC Program in Santa Clara County. They accept used oil for free, and many centers also accept oil filters for free. Please do not drop off your used oil or oil filters outside the store or when it is closed.
To search for local motor oil recycling locations, click here.
Auto Batteries, Antifreeze and Tires
Used Motor Oil & Cooking Oil
Contain used oil in sealed 1-gallon, screw-top containers.*
Please do not mix motor oil and cooking oil. Place containers on the curb (not in the gutter) next to (not inside) your blue recyclables split cart for collection on your day of service. No other automotive liquids accepted. Do not mix oil with other fluids.
Used Motor and Cooking Oil Collection limited to two (2) gallons per customer per week.
Motor Oil Filters
Contain filters in a sealed zipper-lock style bag.* on the curb (not in the gutter) next to (not inside) your blue recyclables split cart for collection.
* Free jugs and oil filter bags may be requested from Milpitas Sanitation or you may use your own 1-gallon, screw top container. Be sure the top can be securely closed.
One container/bag collection per resident per week. Empty containers and bags will be left at curb after collection.
Contact us to request an Oil Recovery Kit – containers and filter bags. Kits can also be picked up at Milpitas Fire Stations.
Household Batteries
Place A, AA, AAA, C, D & 9-volt batteries inside a clear plastic zipper-lock style bag. Tape terminals on lithium and 9-volt batteries. (No car batteries allowed.)
Place on top of your blue recyclables split cart for pick up on your collection day.
Household Batteries can also be dropped off at select Milpitas locations, Household Batteries can also be dropped off at select Milpitas locations, please click here for a location.

E-Waste Guidelines
How do I dispose of E-waste?
E-waste is a popular name for electronic products at the end of their useful life. Some of these products can be reused, refurbished or recycled. If you do have e-waste, make sure to recycle it properly.
Where do I recycle E-waste?
For a list of approved e-waste recyclers in Milpitas and other resources, click here.
Milpitas Sanitation offers limited e-waste collection through its bulky item/on call clean-up program. Click here for more information on e-waste collection.
Fluorescent/CFL Lamps can be dropped off at select locations in Santa Clara County, please click here for a list of drop-off locations.