Avoid Wishcycling. Make sure everything you put into the blue split or dedicated Recyclables cart is recyclable. Items that are not recyclable cause contamination, can damage sorting machinery, and make it so recyclables end up in a landfill.
Common Wishcycling Items:
GARBAGE: Dispose of in your gray split cart, or dedicated GARBAGE cart/bin.
Plastic FIlm
for collection.
GARBAGE: Dispose of in your gray split cart, or dedicated GARBAGE cart/bin.
GARBAGE: Dispose of in your gray split cart, or dedicated GARBAGE cart/bin.
Shipping Bags
GARBAGE: Dispose of in your gray split cart, or dedicated GARBAGE cart/bin.
GARBAGE: Dispose of in your gray split cart, or dedicated GARBAGE cart/bin.
Packaging Peanuts
Contain multiple pieces in a single bag for collection. Avoid products with excessive and/or non-recyclable packaging.
GARBAGE: Dispose of in your gray split cart, or dedicated GARBAGE cart/bin.
environmentally friendly
packaging options
GARBAGE: Dispose of in your gray split cart, or dedicated GARBAGE cart/bin.
GARBAGE: Dispose of in your gray split cart, or dedicated GARBAGE cart/bin.
VHS Tapes
charity before disposing.
GARBAGE: Dispose of in your gray split cart, or dedicated GARBAGE cart/bin.
GARBAGE: Dispose of in your gray split cart, or dedicated GARBAGE cart/bin.